General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Saxony-Anhalt Data Archive and Repository (SADAR)

Scope and purpose of the services

SADAR is a service for the storage, archiving and dissemination of research data and other digital objects (DO) offered to members of the MLU and other partner institutions. This service is operated by the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt (ULB) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The aim is to store research data and other DOs in compliance with recognised quality standards on a permanent basis and to make them available if necessary.

SADAR offers members of all participating universities the organisational and technical framework for the electronic publication of various types of digital objects. The authors' copyrights are protected.

The participating universities assume responsibility for the content of their sections, subsections and collections in the repository. The tasks of the participating universities (clients) have been agreed and defined in a joint document between the clients and the ULB as the operator of this repository.

Rights and obligations of the operator

As the operator of the repository, the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt in Halle has the following rights and obligations:

  • Provision of a service for the electronic publication of scientific data sets (digital objects) for members of the participating universities
  • The right to electronically store, publish and reference the digital objects in the repository and to transfer this data to third parties for the purpose of long-term archiving
  • The right to convert the submitted data (into other formats) for the purpose of long-term archiving or presentation while preserving the content

Data depositors have the following rights and obligations:

  • The right to additionally deposit datasets stored on SADAR on other servers
  • When the digital objects are submitted by the data producers, the rights are granted by agreeing to the licence terms during the upload process. The copyrights of the data producers remain protected.
  • The data producers ensure that the publication/deposit of digital objects in the repository does not infringe any third-party rights and exempt the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt against all third-party recourse claims due to infringements of intellectual property rights.

Type of digital objects that can be stored in SADAR

The following digital objects can be stored and published via our repository:

  • Research datasets and other digital objects as long as they are related or support a scientific publication.

Long-term archiving and availability of data

The operator guarantees the long-term archiving and permanent (at least 10 years) availability of the electronic documents stored in the repository. Long-term archiving may include transformation into a suitable technical format in case the deposited data objects are not already available in such a format. It may be necessary to transfer the documents to other servers.

Depending on the type, duration and accessibility of the stored or published data, costs may be incurred. Further information about costs can be found in the following document

Deleting of digital objects

The aim of the repository is the permanent provision of data and linking of data sets via a persistent identifier. The deletion and or removal of data objects change are generally not foreseen. However, in specific cases it may be necessary to withdraw information or entire data sets. In this case, the SADAR team can be asked to block the relevant materials.

Accessibility of the data

It is possible to define different accessibility levels for the data stored in SADAR. Further information about the different accessibility levels provided can be found in the repository policy.

Technical features of the repository

The submission and storage of digital objects on SADAR takes place after password-protected registration by authorized users.

Each dataset/digital object is assigned a persistent identifier, which is registered and managed by DataCite to ensure long-term, globally unique referencing.

The information (metadata) about our digital objects can be found in regional and national search engines.

Contact for all questions in connection with SADAR:

Dr. Roberto Cozatl


University and State Library of Sachsen-Anhalt
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
August-Bebel-Straße 13/50
06108 Halle (Saale)